One Image, Two Story Ideas: I See You
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. This month’s photo of a surveillance camera takes Tina to rebels living in a dystopian autocracy and Jen to a down-on-her-luck security guard.

One Image, Two Story Ideas: Tokyo Subway
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. This month’s photo of a woman on a train takes them to two thrillers: one with a Japanese woman pulled into a geopolitical plot, the other an American tourist whose traveling companion has disappeared.

One Image, Two Story Ideas: Illuminated Street
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. This month’s photo of a man on the street takes Tina to a Christmas caper staring Nick Kringle and Jen to a man attempting to untangle a long-ago art theft.

One Image, Two Story Ideas: Woman with a Bag
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. This month’s photo of a woman with a bag take them to a woman whose secret life makes her the prime suspect in a murder and a story about a bored bakery owner who finds a bag full of cash.

One Image, Two Story Ideas: Sailboat
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. This month’s photo of sailboat inspires a Russian thriller and comedy-of-errors caper.

One Image, Two Story Ideas: Suspension Bridge
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. This month’s photo of suspension bridge in the wildnerness took them both to trouble on an eco-adventure tour. Tina envisioned a thriller, Jen came up with a YA story.

One Image, Two Story Ideas: Italian Street
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. This month’s photo of an Italian street takes Jen to time-traveling historians and Tina to a plot to get even with a three-timing Lothario.

One Image, Two Story Ideas: Racecars
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. This month’s photo of two race cars takes Tina to a village with hidden rivalries, jealousies, and even romance and Jen to a new chapter in the world of The Wind In the Willows where Mr. Toad plays detective.

One Image, Two Story Ideas: Greek Island
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. This month’s photo of an island in Greece takes them both to Agatha Christie-inspired stories: Tina has a locked-room mystery on a luxurious cruise ship, Jen brings back Miss Daisy Dupree at a house party.

One Image, Two Story Ideas: Woman Walking At Night
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. This month’s photo of a woman walking at night take them to a former revolutionary on the run and an underdog sibling helping clear her sister’s name.

One Image, Two Story Ideas: Person in the Snow
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. This month’s photo of a person in the snow takes Jen to the nefarious doings in a faraway city where it’s winter ten months a year and Tina to a nanny who reinvents herself by preying on the socialites she once catered to.

One Image, Two Story Ideas: Girl Fishing
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. This month’s photo of a girl fishing took both Jen and Tina to middle grade mysteries. Tina’s is the fifth installment of a possible 75th Street Girl’s Detective Agency, Jen’s is a group of cousins searching for clues to a lost archaeological site.

One Image, Two Story Ideas: Hiker in the Desert
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. This month’s photo of a man in the desert took Jen to a murder in a galactic space colony and Tina to a businessman who finds a severed hand in the desert.

One Image, Two Story Ideas: Woman on a Bicycle
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. This month’s photo of a woman on a bicycle took them to a widow who discovers her double lying in a hospital bed and a spinster bent on outwitting the world’s greatest detective.

One Image, Two Story Ideas: Broken Window
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. This month’s photo of a broken window took us to surprisingly upbeat places.

One Image, Two Story Ideas: Man at a Window
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. This month’s photo of a lonely man at a window took us in unexpected directions.

One Image, Two Story Ideas: Misty Trees
Jen and Tina love writing prompts. Sometimes they turn into stories, sometimes they just get our creative juices flowing. Either way, they’re a lot of fun. This time Tina’s photo of misty trees took us to two very different stories.